Even if example sentences

The payment of dividend is an appropriation out profits, whereas the payment of interest is a charge on profits and is to be paid even if there is no profit.For example, rent for the month of March 2005, even if received in April 2005, will be taken into the profit and loss account of the financial year ending March 31, 2005 and not into financial year beginning with April 200 Similarly, if interest for April 2005 is received in advance in March 2005, it will be taken to the profit and loss account of the financial year ending March 200 There are some exceptions to this general rule of revenue recognition.Is there a change in the shape of the moon everyday? Are there days when the shape of the moon appears to be perfectly round? Are there days when the moon cannot be seen at all even if the sky is clear? The day on which the whole disc of the moon is visible is known as the full moon day.The payment of dividend is an appropriation out profits, whereas the payment of interest is a charge on profits and is to be paid even if there is no profit.It may be noted that the accounting accuracy is not ensured even if the totals of debit and credit balances are equal because some errors do not affect equality of debits and credits.This leads to a decrease in the rate of forward reaction and an increase in he rate of the reverse reaction, Similarly, the reaction can reach the state of equilibrium even if we start with only C and D; that is, no A and B being present initially, as the equilibrium can be reached from either direction.Even if there are more than one individual but they do not take part in market transactions, such as a family living on an isolated island, money has no function for them.It is their daily bread, a roof over their heads, even if it is a leaking roof.Even if the ruling party or the government does not like what the Commission does, it is virtually impossible for it to remove the CEC.The payment of dividend is an appropriation out profits, whereas the payment of interest is a charge on profits and is to be paid even if there is no profit.Even if they could, the citizen does not have the time, the desire or the skills to take part in all the decisions.Day after day she watched the bus, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on that bus, even if just once.Is this the right way to promote democracy? Should a democratic country wage a war and invade other countries for establishing democracy there? Does external help work in every case? Or does it work only when the people of a nation are actively engaged in a struggle to make their societies democratic? Even if external intervention leads to the establishment of democracy in a country, would it last long? Would it enjoy the support of its citizens? Finally, is the use of external force to gift democracy to the people in keeping with the spirit of democracy? Think about these questions in the light of all that you have learnt in this chapter.For example, in the Receipt and Payment account for the year ending on March 31, 2007, we record the total subscriptions received during 2006–07 including the amounts related to the years 2005–2006 and 2007-200 Similarly, taxes paid during 2006–07 even if they relate to the years 2005–06 and 2007–2008 can also be recorded in this account of 2006-0 It includes all receipts and payments whether they are of capital nature or of revenue nature.Pastoralists could no longer remain in an area even if forage was available, the grass was succulent and the undergrowth in the forest was ample.

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